Great Hall, University of Sydney
The Rudolf von Beckerath Organ (1972)
Mechanical action, 54 speaking stops and 75 ranks
History of the Great Hall organ
Great Hall organ
(Photo: Dave Brown on Facebook August 2018)
New Chancellor's Trumpet stop on the lefthand side case above the console (2012).
Great Principal Principal Rohrflöte Octave Nachthorn Nasat Octave Mixture Scharf Cornet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet The Chancellor's Trumpet* Positive Principal Gedackt Quintadena Octave Rohrflöte Quintflöte Octave Tierce Larigot Sifflöte Scharf Rankett Cromorne Tremolo The Chancellor's Trumpet* Swell (enclosed) Rohrflöte Holzflöte Gemshorn Unda maris Principal Blockflöte Nasat Flachflöte Tierce Septime Mixture Fagott Trumpet Oboe Schalmei Tremolo Pedal Principal Subbass Octave Rohrgedackt Metallflöte Nachthorn Rauschpfeife Mixture Dulcian Posaune Trumpet Trumpet |
Key action: Mechanical
Coupler and Stop action: Electric
Swell to Great
Positiv to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Positiv to Pedal
All duplicated by toe pistons
6 general pistons (1-4 duplicated by toe pistons)
2 divisional pistons on each manual and pedal
SSL Memory: 128 Levels
Sequencer: Next and Previous
* a new en chamade rank added in 2012 by von Beckareth to mark the
40th anniversary of the organ and a gift from the Vice Chancellor's Committee.
It is playable from the Great and Positive manuals.
Twenty pipes are mounted en chamade on each side organ case on electric action.
Recital on the Great Hall organ
View of the Great Hall August 2018)
View of the Great Hall from the organ console
(Photo: Dave Brown on Facebook August 2018)
Console of the Carillon
Views of the Great Hall
All photos (other than those labelled): Mark Quarmby