St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Normanhurst – exterior
(photograph by Peter Liebeskind [June 2017])
The A-frame style building characteristic of its time, was dedicated in 1963. It has since been extended.
Historical and Technical Documentation
© Sydney Organ Journal Autumn 2006 (last upgraded May 2022)
St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Normanhurst – organ facade
(photograph by Peter Bell [January 2006])
The Roger Pogson two manual four rank extension organ was installed in 1964 at a cost of £1,981. This instrument has the distinction of being the first organ by this builder. The console is on the left of the sanctuary - all the pipework is in a small room or chamber attached to the external wall of the sanctuary, and speaks through a small opening which is really at floor level on the right of the sanctuary. Despite this somewhat unusual arrangement the sound of the organ is clear and bright and is nicely suited to the size of the church, the acoustic of which is however rather dull. The Open Diapason is unenclosed, the remainder being enclosed in the swell box.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Normanhurst – console
(photograph by Peter Bell [January 2006])
St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Normanhurst – view through facade
(photograph by Peter Bell [January 2006])
St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Normanhurst – internal pipework
(photograph by Peter Bell [January 2006])
St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Normanhurst – pedal Bourdon with common pipe walls
(photograph by Peter Bell [January 2006])
The specification is:
Great Open Diapason Stopped Flute Principal Flute Nazard Doublette Swell Gedackt Salicional Gemshorn Flute Spitzflute Quint Octavin Pedal Bourdon Bass Flute Principal Nazard Fifteenth Couplers Swell to Great Swell Octave to Great Swell to Pedal Tremulant |
8 8 4 4 2-2/3 2 8 8 4 4 2 1-1/3 8 16 8 4 2-2/3 2 |
A C A C B A C D B C B B B C C A B A |
Compass: 61/30
Balanced swell pedal
Electro-magnetic action