Monte Sant' Angelo Convent Chapel
128 Miller Street, North Sydney
Builder unknown c. 1830, restored Mark Fisher 1990 (1/4 mechanical)
From SOJ August/September 1991, Summer 1994-95
This four stop organ, by an anonymous builder, was originally a barrel organ that was converted, probably in the 1800s, into a finger organ. Its appearance and features suggest that it might date from as early as 1830. A plaque on the organ states that it was a gift of Sister Mary Aloysius Norris who entered the convent in 1916.
Before this the organ was a domestic instrument, probably in the home of Ernest Wunderlich and was one of many items sold at auction in 1887 when the family moved from Australia to the UK.
The windchest for the pipes from c0 to d sharp (28 notes) is probably the original one, with additional chests having been provided for 12 bass notes and 12 notes in the treble. The only alteration since its conversion has been the addition of 19 metal Open Diapason pipes to its front and sides.
John Stiller suggests in his documentation of the organ that Charles Jackson may have been the person responsible for the instrument's conversion.
The organ was restored by Mark Fisher in 1990 with funding from the Heritage Council of NSW.
The specification is:
Open Diapason
Stop Diapason
(from C0)
(from C0) *
* stop knob relabelled "Fife".
Compass 53/25
Manual permanently coupled to pedals
Mechanical action
Photos: Mark Quarmby Jan. 2008